Tips for Choosing the Perfect Online Cigar Store
Most cigar lovers will agree that cigar stores don’t always look appealing. That is because a significant number of cigar store owners will put little effort into ensuring that the space they’re selling in or website, for that matter, is welcoming enough. After all, they are just selling cigars, and cigar smokers don’t care. Right? Wrong!
The perfect online cigar store such as Montesino cigars understands the need for a convenient location, curb appeal, outstanding customer service, and so on. And will do their best to ensure that whether their customer is an aficionado or a customer is buying cigars as a gift or a loved one, the environment and website is effortless to navigate and convenient.
Below is a quick guide to help you choose the perfect online cigar store.
1. Quality Cigars
You may not be able to tell the quality of the cigars by just looking at the website. But, any cigar shop worth your money and time will have all their cigars and related accessories in a humidor. If there’s no humidor insight, you might want to look for another option.
Humidors are an ideal way to ensure that you are buying fresh and quality cigars. Before placing your order, navigate their website to ascertain that the store is well equipped and that their cigars do not sit in dry warehouses.
2. Customer Service
Customer service is crucial for any business, whether online or in a physical store. And as mentioned above, customers love to shop where they are valued. Whether you need help navigating the store’s website or need some guidance and friendly advice, the staff should be willing and always ready to help. They should show dedication to providing excellent customer service and have working communication lines to help address any customer concerns and inquiries on time.
3. Experience
Experience is crucial when looking for an online cigar store. You want to choose one that has been in the industry for a while. That is because the more they have been in this industry, the more experienced they are concerning cigars, varying flavors, how to store them, shipping, and so on.
Whether a cigar aficionado or not, all the staff should be knowledgeable enough to help you find the perfect cigar for your needs and give all the expert advice needed to make the right decision.
4. Variety
When choosing an online cigar store, you want to choose one that offers variety so that you can get everything you need under one roof. Also, this allows you to experiment with varying flavors to find the one that appeals to you most.
Whether you need premium cigars, bundled cigars, machine-made cigars, flavored cigars, accessories such as cutters, humidors, lighters, ashtrays, and so on, you should find everything on their site.
Any online cigar store worth visiting such as Montesino Cigars will have a wide selection of accessories to meet varying customer demands.
Additionally, the store should have short lead times to ensure that their customers get their order within the shortest time possible. They should ship the cigars within the shortest time possible to guarantee freshness when they arrive.